When Russia invaded, Ukraine’s once-booming surrogacy industry seemed at risk of collapsing. But surrogate mothers and agencies have managed to continue deliveries, and clients are arriving again to pick up their children.

When Russia invaded, Ukraine’s once-booming surrogacy industry seemed at risk of collapsing. But surrogate mothers and agencies have managed to continue deliveries, and clients are arriving again to pick up their children.
Russia’s invasion has not deterred hundreds of foreign would-be parents from travelling to war-torn Kyiv and other centres
The babies are being cared for at the Venice Hotel in the capital city Kyiv Due to be collected by parents from places also including Italy, Spain and France Parents have paid between £5,745 and £57,365 to company BioTexCom The firm describes itself as a ‘centre for human reproduction Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19 A shocking video…
More than 100 babies born to surrogate mothers have been left stranded in Ukraine because their devastated biological parents cannot enter the country to collect them, after the country closed its borders on March 15.
Desperate parents are trying to find a way into Ukraine to collect their children.
Уповноважена Верховної Ради України з питань прав людини Людмила Денісова заявила про те, що Україна знову потрапила до епіцентру скандалів із захисту прав дітей, народжених методом сурогатного материнства.
Lockdown exposed the scale of the commercial baby business in Ukraine, and now women hired for their wombs are speaking out.
Кілька днів тому на своїй сторінці у Facebook омбудсмен Людмила Денисова заявила, що відео широко розповсюджено в соціальних мережах та на офіційному веб-сайті однієї з клінік Києва, на яких близько 50 дітей, які зараз перебувають в одному з Kyiv Hotels. Всі ці діти народжені шляхом сурогатного материнства для іноземних громадян різних країн. Денісова негайно назвала цю ситуацію скандалом і звернулася…
Прес -конференція з “способів подолання проблем у галузі допоміжних репродуктивних технологій шляхом вдосконалення національного законодавства України”.
KIEV (Reuters) – Lying in rows of cots in a small hotel on the outskirts of Kiev, 51 babies born to surrogate mothers are stranded in Ukraine as the coronavirus lockdown is preventing parents from the United States, Europe and elsewhere from collecting them.
Babies born to surrogate mothers in Ukraine are being left stranded after border restrictions mean foreigners cannot move in or out of the country.